Sunday, May 11, 2014

How to Train for a Century Ride

Want to train for a Century Ride?  Here's how...

A long long while back, Bicycling Magazine posted a typical training program to ride a Century ride.  The approach may be a bit outdated, but it works.  I made a spdsheet to match their program's mileage ratios and saved the results as a PDF. 

You can get that here:

If you follow this program, you'll be ready to ride a strong Century by August.  But note that you should train on similar terrain (hills, etc.) as your target Century ride.  And note that this program assumes you can ride 25 miles today, and builds in a 10% per week increase in ride volume. 

If you need different parameters, I can send you the spdsheet to play with.  You can plunk in faster mileage increases, different Day 1 mileage, etc.

Also, if you have questions, just contact me at
